My Supports

I am a very independent person and I would like to say that I don’t have much support because I don’t like to rely on others, however that wouldn’t be true. As I thought about my supports I thought about my emotional supports- my father, my sister, my husband, my son. They give me the motivation to keep going when things are challenging and stressful. They support me by listening to me and by making me smile. Without them I wouldn’t have someone to turn to discuss what is going on in my life and get advice. I wouldn’t have someone to laugh with and to make me smile. I wouldn’t have much to look forward to.  At work I receive support from some of my directors. They offer to help me when possible and are always positive and that makes my job a bit easier. Without the support of those directors I would have to spend a lot more time at work and away from my family. Without their positive and encouraging words I would feel overwhelmed and I would not enjoy my job. I also have certain physical supports such as money. food, water, shelter and my car. All of these make my life a bit more simple and less stressful (well, when I have them J).
One challenge that I thought about is being blind. I think that I would need a lot of support if I was to be challenged in this way. I would need the support of my family to help me emotionally and physically as well. I would not be able to drive and I wouldn’t be able to continue working at my current job which would cause a lot more stress. .I wouldn’t be able to watch my son play soccer or see his pictures that he draws each day for me. I would need help with picking out clothes and getting dressed. I would need help typing and writing papers. I think that I wouldn’t take the little things for granted, I would realize and appreciate all the support and have an even deeper relationship with them on a different level. It would be difficult to feel comfortable and supported by people that I don’t really know, so without my family to support me, I don’t think I would be able to exist.


  1. Hey Hope,

    I was reading your post and when you stated that you were too independent to rely on others, I was impressed with you and after finished reading you post I was still impressed with you. It seems that your character is strong and your support system attributes to who you are. I also stated that blindness would be my challenge, because my cousin is blind. My heart goes out to him and other people who are faced with disabilities, but of course people with disabilities do not want others to feel sorry for them. I feel that if I did have a disability, my same support system that I mentioned in my post would still be by my side, even stronger.

  2. Hope,
    We all have supports; some have various types of supports while others only have one. I am glad to hear that you have your dad as an emotional supporter; many women don’t have that in today’s world.

  3. Hi Hope:

    I agree that support systems helps us stay motivated and we need people in our lives that keeps us grounded and gives love and attention when needed.
