When I think of research...

My insights about research have become more refined. I have gained valuable new knowledge which has allowed for me to have new insights and direction in research, but also provided me with more questions as well. I have learned about the various approaches which have helped me to not feel as overwhelmed and to choose the best approach for me and my particular study. The resource book and the assignments were written and provided in great sequence which helped with my understanding the research process better. I found myself questioning processes and steps and then I found them answered in the following weeks course work. The layout  helped me to better plan, prepare and design my study. I think the biggest challenge is just determining the best approach because they al lhave similar  techniques and benefits and mixed method seems to emcompass


  1. I really like what you added about now having more questions. What a great insight to have gained! I agree with you that my curiosity is definitely peaked about research, as well as my interest. I must say my opinion of it before this course was that is might be dry and tedious. I now find it to be exciting and adventurous.

  2. Hi Hope

    I have a greater understanding about research and it purposes. I learned so many new terms when dealing with research. I had some challenges when it came to topic, but i soon got the understanding. I learned the research process and the approach to take. I totally have a different perspective about research now.

  3. Hey Hope

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I hope that the information about research that you have learned about over the past weeks will be benificial to you as continue to expand your knowledge in the early childhood field.
