When I think of research...

My insights about research have become more refined. I have gained valuable new knowledge which has allowed for me to have new insights and direction in research, but also provided me with more questions as well. I have learned about the various approaches which have helped me to not feel as overwhelmed and to choose the best approach for me and my particular study. The resource book and the assignments were written and provided in great sequence which helped with my understanding the research process better. I found myself questioning processes and steps and then I found them answered in the following weeks course work. The layout  helped me to better plan, prepare and design my study. I think the biggest challenge is just determining the best approach because they al lhave similar  techniques and benefits and mixed method seems to emcompass

Research Around the World

I explored the Early childhood Australia website located at: http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/ Early Childhood Australia-A voice for young children.  The mission of Early Childhood Australia is to advocate for children birth to eight years in equity and quality in education and care.  I truly enjoyed this website, there was so much to explore and learn. I particularly liked the Research in Practice Series which provides resources and information on major topics and trends for those involved in the early childhood field. The series focuses on a wide range of topics essentially on the ‘hands-on’ aspects of early childhood. Some of the current research topics that they have addressed include: Learning and teaching through play, children as communicators, Early Years Learning Framework, confidence in children and Bullying.

As I explored the site further I found the early childhood archives and was really interested in the recent media release on May 9th that discussed the continual support for quality early education for children. It discussed the Federal Budget’s commitment to provide additional funding to assist in attracting early childhood teachers in remote areas. The funding will provide $225 million dollars over 4 years which will provide an extra 130,000 families with high quality care.