Relationship Reflection

Relationships are important to me because I am able to learn from them, I am able to talk with them and understand myself more. I gain knowledge and support from my relationships and provide that to others as well.  I feel loved and needed.

When I think of important relationships I think of my relationship with my father, my sister, my husband, my son and my staff. Each relationship is different and offers me something unique. My father is very knowledgeable and I call him to discuss current events and to ask for advice. He offers me support and guidance. I call my sister to talk about our kids, clothes, trends, to cry and laugh and to have support and guidance. My husband is someone I can go to and vent about my job, my day and just talk with. He is someone I can be myself with.  Again, he offers me support. My relationship with my son is the most important relationship and the one I learn the most from. I guess we are both teaching each other daily. I would definitely say this is my most rewarding relationship. My relationship with my staff is definitely different than the relationships with my family. However, my relationship with my staff is important because as I teach them they teach me a lot about who I am as a leader.

I think what is challenging in all relationships is being honest. I think that in relationships we look to eachother for advice, support and guidance and we know that those closest to us will be able to provide that to us even if they do it by telling us the truth that we dont always want to hear. Of course its just as difficult to give that honest feedback as it is to receive it, but if you have a good, strong relationship with one another you are able to accept it for what its worth.

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